Date Posted:2020-11-09 06:28:40Copy HTML
EWF Staff Stats Real Name: Prissy Amber Good
Ring Name: Prissy Good Pic Base: Melina Staff Position: Trainer Twitter handle: @PrissyGood Entrance Theme: N/A Finishers: N/A Relationship Status: Married To Casper Good Previous Relationships: None Kids: The Good kids aka Moxley and Ambrose kids Tattoos: A few Piercings: Her ears and Belly button Scars: None Achievements: N/A Bio: Prissy Good is the mother to the Ambrose siblings she also sleeps around and does drugs and drinks she is the wife of Casper Good and she likes to Stalk her kids she also never stopped her husband when he raped Diamond and Jon cuz she really did not care she does love her husband and always supports him she also sometimes helps him get Diamond and Jon when Casper wants to rape them again BlackSwan2020